University of Camerino the international School of Advanced Studies
Ph.D. in Computer Science and Mathematics
Camerino, إيطاليا
3 Years
انجليزي, اللغة الألمانية
دوام كامل
أخر موعد للتسجيل
الموعد النهائي لتقديم الطلبات
اقرب موعد للبدء
اطلب أقرب تاريخ للبدء
رسوم دراسية
طلب الرسوم الدراسية
شكل الدراسة
في الحرم الجامعي
Area: Computer Science and Mathematics
- Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems
- Computing and Mathematics
- Cybersecurity
- Data Science and Machine Learning
- Embedded Systems and IoT
- Process Management
- Software and Information System Engineering
Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems
- Adaptive control and optimization
- Adaptation policies
- Collective and adaptive systems
- Knowledge representation and autonomic reasoning
Computing and Mathematics
- Algebraic and logical aspects of computing)
- Computational Models and Models of Computation
- Formal languages
- Algebraic languages for specific domains
- Model theory
- Methodological aspects of science education
- Access Control and Resource Usage Policies
- Distributed Ledger Technologies
- Design of Resilient Systems
- Network security
- Intrusion Detection Systems
Data Science and Machine Learning
- Data-driven models of complex systems
- Topology-based data analysis methods
- Data-driven system verification
- Optimization and econometric techniques
- Discriminative and generative modeling
Embedded Systems and IoT
- Middleware and services
- Communication and networking for wireless and embedded systems
- Specifica, progettazione e analisi, e verifica di sistemi embedded distribuiti
- Wireless Sensor Networks
- Energy efficiency and harvesting
Process Management
- Continuous improvement of Process-Aware Information Systems
- Collaborative and Distributed Business Process Enactment including Blockchain
- Models for Process Intensive Systems
- Process Mining Techniques
- Simulation and Verification of Data-Aware Collaboration Models
Software and Information System Engineering
- Engineering of Enterprise Architecture
- Applied Formal Methods and Verification Tools
- Testing and Verification in a distributed setting
- Quantitative Analysis and Tools
- Runtime Monitoring and Verification